Yarn Party!

yarn party

We are excited to announce that the YWCA has planned a yarn party for us!

This is an opportunity to visit with others who care about the work we are doing together, enjoy some yummy food, and gather up yarn for us to use to make more scarves.

Everyone is welcome to come Tuesday night, March 18th. Details are in the photo and on our Facebook event page.


If you’d like to donate some yarn and are wondering what kind is best to give, we do have a favorite. It’s called “I Love this Yarn” and is available at Hobby Lobby for $3.99. There is almost always a coupon available online at Hobby Lobby and available on their app that you can use to get 40% off.  Other brands are great as well, but for several of us this one is our favorite to use for the scarves.

It was fun

heart scarves
Our entries into the contest. Such a fun pattern!

In January two of us made scarves for the Crochet Crowd’s Shimmery Heart Scarf Crochet Along contest.  You can see our completed ones to the left.

Though neither of us won the random drawing, we both enjoyed making a new pattern. There’s something pretty special about working on a project together, and not only knowing the two of us were making this pattern, but so were hundreds of others.

You can check out all the completed ones in The Crochet Crowd’s gallery.

February Work Day Rescheduled

We have rescheduled the February Work Day. Our new date is Sunday, February 9th.  We’ll be meeting in our usual location, room A111 at the Memorial Road Church of Christ from 2-5 PM. Hope to see you there!

Can you join us in a 5K?

SSV_HAND_NEWBLUEThe YWCA Oklahoma City has a 5K in April to raise awareness and funds for services they provide. They call it the 2 Minute 5K because every two minutes someone in the US is sexually assaulted.

We have created a team and hope that you’ll  join us for the YWCA’s 2 Minute 5K.  You can register online  to join our team.

The event is April 12, 2014 at Stars and Stripes Park in OKC.

This will be our 4th year to participate in the event, and we’re looking forward to it. Some of us will be walking and we hope that some runners will join us as well. So, there’s a place for you, whatever your athletic ability.


Trying Something New

The start of a new year is always a good time to try something new, right? This opportunity is 2 new things at once!

The Crochet Crowd is offering an opportunity to crochet along with them and make a Shimmery Hearts Scarf from January 21st – January 28th. Anyone who enters a completed scarf according to the  Red Heart pattern during this time has a chance to win a ball winder.  Crocheting the scarf requires following a pattern that includes a graph rather than word-for-word instructions.

For me, participating in this crochet along is giving me the chance to experience 2 new things.  One is learning to read a new type of pattern, – following the graph to create the pictures has been a fun skill to learn. The second new thing is the chance to enter to win a prize from the Crochet Crowd. They have monthly challenges that include winning opportunities, but I’ve not participated in one before.

I’m excited about these 2 new things and hope you will be too.  Be sure to let us know if you decide to participate, we’d love to feature a photo of your scarf. I’m looking forward to finishing my scarf soon and packaging it at our February Work Day.

Work Day January 2014

We started 2014 out with a great work day. Here are a few of the highlights:

  • We had eight people present for some part of the time.
  • Four people had delivered scarves for us to package.
  • Several of us started working on new scarves while we were together.
  • We enjoyed visiting with one another and catching up how we spent the holidays and survived the icy weather.
  • We have one of these each month, and we’d love to see you at our next one!

Getting ready for 2014

We have planned work days for the first part of 2014.

Everyone is welcome to join us, whether you are just learning to knit or crochet, or you’re very experienced.

In addition to working on making scarves we also take time to package completed ones and sort any donated yarn.

Here are the 2014 dates, please mark you calendar and join us:

  • January 12
  • February 2
  • March 2
  • April 6
  • May 4
  • June 1

We’ll be in room A111 at the Memorial Road church of Christ in Edmond. We’re there from 2-5 and will be glad to see you for a few minutes or the whole 3 hours.

It takes a village

When we started this chapter of Threads of Compassion almost 4 years ago, we had no idea what to expect. We saw a great opportunity and stepped out in faith that others would join us. It has worked!

Just yesterday we spent part of our work day sorting through yarn donated by 2 different people. It’s so reassuring to know that others are joining us.

I love watching it all come together! We have people who crochet scarves, people who knit scarves, people who teach others to knit or crochet, people who donate yarn, people who tell others about Threads of Compassion so they can join us, and people who volunteer with the YWCA and give the scarves to survivors. There truly is a place for everyone in this organization.

Thank you to those who have joined us already, we sure appreciate your partnership.

To those who haven’t yet joined but are interested, consider yourself invited we’d love to have your help!

Can you help?

I received a call yesterday from the Director of Sexual Assault Victim Advocacy at the YWCA. She called because they have given out almost all the scarves we have delivered and she wanted to know if we had more ready that they could have.

She met me today to pick up the ones we had ready. You may be wondering… do we really need scarves in the summer?  Unfortunately, yes –she told me that they have been very busy recently, meeting survivors and handing out scarves as they begin a journey of healing.

Even though it may be 100+ degrees outside, a hospital room can feel ice cold, and having a handmade gift that carries a note letting you know you’re not alone helps just a tiny bit at a really tough time.

So, if you can knit or crochet, we need you! The need is great and ongoing, please join us.