Today we handed over 114 scarves that are packaged and ready to offer comfort. I said “handed off” instead of “delivered” because one of the awesome members of the YWCA staff came to pick them up from me. It was really helpful to have them picked up!
These scarves came from lots of people in several states. Some donate 1 or 2, while some need multiple grocery sacks to get all theirs to me. I really appreciate each person that has donated.
I’m thankful for our “village” that makes this project possible. Here are some of them:
- People who crochet or knit scarves and deliver them.
- People who mail scarves from other places.
- People who help with the packaging.
- People who help get the scarves to the staff so they can be distributed.
- People who tell others about the project so new people can join. (There’s always space and need for more scarf makers)
- Those who have shared yarn or money to buy yarn or packaging materials.
- People who help make the website and the Facebook page work to share info
What an encouragement it has been to see so many people come together in an effort to offer some comfort to people at a really tough time.