State Fair 2024

Registration for the OK State Fair Creative Arts Competition has begun!

It’s free to register to submit your scarf (or scarves) to the competition. They display all the donated scarves together and then we pick them up after the fair. Everyone who enters receives a cool ribbon, and they even judge the scarves and award place ribbons to the ones they determine to be the top 10.

If you’d like to do this, but don’t want to have to drop your scarf off at the fairgrounds at the designated time, that’s no problem! You can bring it to our work day in August or make other arrangements to get it to Jessica by August 23rd and she’ll drop it off for you you. You just need to register yourself, and get your scarf and copy of your registration receipt to us and we’ll handle the rest.

Free registration is online now through August 15th. You can submit up to 3 crocheted scarves and up to 3 knitted scarves. The details are all on page 18 in the Creative Arts Guide online. Please join us if you can!

A New Favorite

I have a new favorite yarn!

Our bin of yarn is empty. We have used all the yarn that people have donated, and we have a volunteer ready to make more, but we have none to give her.

I was checking prices yesterday and found that Michaels has an online coupon for 40% off online purchases, so I decided to order a skein and try it. It’s been quite awhile since I’ve used yarn from there since Hobby Lobby is so much closer to my house. So I ordered a skein of Loops & Threads Soft Classic Acrylic. I am glad I tried it!

I ordered online last night and picked it up today. It was super easy -they have a rack of onine orders ready for pickup right inside the door.

photo of skein of green yarn with the beginning of a scarf and crochet hook.
Several ladies started making a simple shell scarf at our last workday so I started one today with the new yarn.

After lunch I started working on a scarf, and this yarn is great! It’s nice and soft, and even before the coupon, the price starts at a dollar less than our previous favorite from Hobby Lobby.

So, if you’re able, we’d love your help replenishing our yarn stock! With the coupon and tax, my total for one skein was only $2.60! I’d be glad to pick up this weekend, or next week if you order for pickup at the store Quail Springs Marketplace. Of course you could pick it up yourself, or have it shipped if you’d like. If you happen to be able to donate several skeins, shipping is free with orders of $49.

Here’s a link to the Michaels website, please choose whichever color you like. It’s great to have a variety. The skeins of solid colors should be large enough to finish a scarf with one. If you choose the multicolor ombre, it would be best to order 2 of the same color because they are smaller.

This may not seem like a bit deal, but years ago when I started crocheting I was really surprised that not all 100% acrylic yarns feel the same. I expected that since they were made out of the same thing that if they were the same weight they’d feel the same when working with them. Not true! Some are pretty scratchy, and some are nice and soft. Once washed the finished products tend to be very similar. But, when we’re spending hours crafting them it sure is nice to be working with soft yarn. I’m so glad to know that Michaels has this option (especially since they also had an coupon of the day that was 50% off any one item).

19 Scarves!

Thank you to all who joined us at the Oklahoma State Fair. It was very encouraging to stop by the display in the Creative Arts building and see all the scarves there, with ribbons attached.

Before we packaged them on Sunday we spread them out on the table to admire them. There was a great variety of designs and colors. We’re already looking forward to next year!

photo of 19 scarves

A New Opportunity

For quite some time, RSVP of Central Oklahoma (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) has been connecting their volunteers with our work. It’s been neat to see some of the beautiful scarves they create. So, it was pretty exciting to be asked to join them for their 9/11 Day of Service Event.

We’re just one of several opportunities they have available that day. All are welcome to come visit with us and work with us on Monday September 11th at their location in Midwest City. We hope to see you there!

Wondering why we’re getting together on this significant day?

Here’s a bit they shared about it. We’re honored they thought to include us in their project.

It’s been more than two decades since 9/11. To honor those we lost and the heroes who helped us persevere, join AmeriCorps and to unite in service and do good. Together, we can strengthen our nation and inspire a new generation of civic-minded Americans on the September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance.  

Americans of all ages and backgrounds are invited to join and lead 9/11 Day volunteer projects, and community events. Through service alongside our neighbors, we can build more equitable and just communities that advance racial equity, create opportunity, and foster respect for individual differences. You might even spark a passion and create relationships between communities and individuals across divides that extend past this day to inspire a lifetime of service in all Americans.”

One more week to register

Just a reminder that we have just one more week to register for the Creative Arts Competition at the Oklahoma State Fair.

I’ve seen some beautiful scarves from 3 of our volunteers, I’m really looking forward to seeing them all on display during the fair this year.

Please remember to check out the details and register online by August 15th if you’re able to enter a scarf (or 3) this year!

The Place to be in 23

Registration for the OK State Fair Creative Arts Competition has begun!

It’s free to register to submit your scarf to the competition. They display all the donated scarves together and then we pick them up after the fair. Everyone who enters receives a cool ribbon, and they even judge the scarves and award place ribbons to the ones they determine to be the top 10.

If you’d like to do this, but don’t want to have to drop your scarf off at the fairgrounds at the designated time, that’s no problem! You can bring it to our work day in July or make other arrangements to get it to Jessica by August 25th and she’ll drop it off for you you. You just need to register yourself, and get your scarf and copy of your registration receipt to us and we’ll handle the rest.

Free registration is online now through August 15th. You can submit up to 3 crocheted scarves and up to 3 knitted scarves. The details are all on the OK State Fair website.

Meeting in person!

We have some exciting news. An in-person work day is scheduled for April 11th!

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 3 years since we’ve met in person. Oh, how we’ve missed visiting, sharing pattern ideas, and working together.

The work has continued all this time. We’ve had lots of porch drop-offs of scarves and I’ve done a lot more packaging than previously. I’m so glad we’ve been able to continue providing comfort through this work, and I’m really excited to get back together.

The YWCA has helped make arrangements for us to use Meeting Room A at the Belle Isle Library on Tuesday April 11th from 2-3:30 PM. It’s totally fine to come for the whole time or just a few minutes, whatever fits your schedule.

We hope you’ll join us. We have lots of scarves to package, so there’s a job for you if you don’t crochet or knit. We’ll also have some supplies available for anyone wanting to start a new scarf on that day.

A gift from the east coast

We are so thankful for this beautiful collection of knitted scarves from Massachusetts.

4 hand knitted scarves

Thank you, generous volunteer who sent these and some yarn. We appreciate you!

A great start to 2023

We’re off to a great start this year. 39 scarves were delivered this week to be packaged!

Here are just a few of them. I’m confident each one will be a great comfort to the recipients.

Guest Post: Warmth for the Winter

This is a guest post written by a social work intern at the Metro Library about a new project here in OKC. We know that some of you knitters and crocheters like to make hats. So, we’re happy to share this guest blog post and invite you to join her.

I love that knitting and crocheting is such an inherent act of service and compassion. Threads of Compassion does incredible work providing for those who have been impacted by sexual violence, offering some semblance of comfort and humanity during a traumatic time. When I reached out to them to discuss my own project I am working on, they were quick to respond and offer their platform. Caring runs deep, and it helps remind me that there is so much kindness and good left in the world. We just have to look around!

I am a social work intern at the OKC Metro Library and have been assisting the unhoused for about 2 months now. So many of them find themselves in a devastating situation due to the housing crisis, fleeing a domestic violence situation, chronic physical or mental health conditions that have been exacerbated due to a broken healthcare system, or any number of other reasons. I have seen children, teens, veterans, men, women… You name it. They come from all different walks of life, but they all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. When I visit with them, most of the time their requests are so simple yet so surprisingly difficult to obtain. They need toothpaste, soap, a tarp, etc; with winter
nearly upon us, they are asking for gloves, a scarf, a hat—anything to help fight off the bitter cold. I am a knitter, so when I am not working or interning, I am busy knitting up items for these folks. But I am only one person, and the need is SO great. That’s where you come in!

If you have finished works that you have been meaning to gift or donate, please consider my project! If you enjoy knitting for a cause, consider sending a scarf or hat my way so that I can distribute directly to someone who acutely needs it. Your small act of service will make a meaningful impact; the kindness of strangers makes the biggest difference for these folks.

So, if you are interested—or if you have any questions—please email me! I can be reached at: [email protected] . I can meet you or make other arrangements to pick up. Keep in mind that many unhoused folks are victims of sexual violence and are frequently targets of other kinds of crimes due to their vulnerability and marginalized status, so neutral colors (black, navy, brown, etc) are a safe bet.

Thank you for helping me make their fall and winter a little warmer this year.