We are so thankful for this beautiful collection of knitted scarves from Massachusetts.

Thank you, generous volunteer who sent these and some yarn. We appreciate you!
We are so thankful for this beautiful collection of knitted scarves from Massachusetts.
Thank you, generous volunteer who sent these and some yarn. We appreciate you!
We’re off to a great start this year. 39 scarves were delivered this week to be packaged!
Here are just a few of them. I’m confident each one will be a great comfort to the recipients.
Early October brought a beautiful delivery our way One busy lady crocheted these for us!
33 scarves Lots of different colors, and beautifully done. We’re so thankful for this contribution.
We’re working on getting them packaged to have over to the YWCA before next month.
I’m confident these will be a welcome gift to the recipients.
Every scarf makes a difference -whether you can create 1 or 33 we hope you’ll join us.
We’re so thankful to receive these 4 beautiful scarves in the mail this week.
They came from a family friend in Indiana. It’s so neat how word of this project spreads and people are able to join us.
As I opened the box I found myself examining the scarves and wondering “just how did she do that?” Sometimes I can figure out the pattern and sometimes I can’t. Either way it’s really fun to see all the different ones.
These beautiful scarves are from a new volunteer. I’m so glad she found us!!
One of our volunteers brought these scarves by for us to package. Her family member came from another state to visit and brought them with her to donate.
It’s so encouraging when word spreads about this work and new people join in the fun.