The first finished “on a roll” scarves

IMG_20160306_163305178_HDRWe finished the first three “on a roll” scarves! Working on these together was a lot of fun. Some of us really felt challenged by the randomness of the roll 🙂 We are more comfortable when things have a pattern that we can follow, and that we think looks nice. But, we stuck with it and in the end were pretty pleased with how they turned out.

Not only did we end up with beautiful finished projects, but a true sense of fun and community from working on scarves together in a new way.

So, we have a new plan for April, we’re going to pass scarves around and have several of us working on the same scarf. We’ll each have a color and make stitches till the time is up and then pass them around and keep going on the next one. We’re pretty excited about trying out a new way of doing things. Please join us if you can!

Please join us in the 2 Minute 5K

The YWCA OKC has a 2 Minute 5K in April. Yep, you read that right – 2 minute 5K.

No, they don’t expect you to run super fast. The title references the fact that every 2 minutes someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted. April is sexual assalt awareness month and this 5K is their effort to raise awareness and funds to help survivors.

Again this year we have created a team and welcome you to join us. If you aren’t able to run with us on April 16th, you can choose the “snooze for SAAM” option and still be part of the team.

Registering is easy, just join the team online. Once you click on “register here” and agree, select “join a team” and then select “Threads of Compassion OKC” from the list.

This really is a great event to participate in, and there’s a spot for you whether or not you want to or can run the 5K. We hope you’ll join us!